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Desert Sands Pebble

Available Quantities:
Bulk and 15L bags


5mm - 20mm $280.00m3
20mm - 40mm $280.00m3
​40mm - 80mm $280.00m3 
100mm - 200mm $280.00m3
200mm - 500mm $310.00m3


Desert Sands Pebble can be used as an easy care, low maintenance garden finish. Can also be used as a pot topper while the small grade is great for pathways and is a very popular filling product for the Natural paving sheets.


Desert Sands Pebble is a rounded river stone of various warm rustic tones.

Features and Benefits:

  • Manufactured by Nature in New Zealand
  • Hard wearing
  • Safe to use around acid loving plants and pond areas
  • Easy care and low maintenance
  • Highlights special areas.
  • Available from:


  For more information, please click Here Regards,
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