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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the BM7 Builders Mix would interest you.

Our small size concrete chip

Available Quantities:
Bulk and bags (Bags approx 15L).


BM7- A small size concrete chip.


Concrete mowing strips, bedding in Firth Eurokerbs and pathways.


Made to order, 1 hr lead time required

BM7 is our small grade builders Mix. With a combination of PAP 7 Metal and Daltons #1 washed sand this is a builders mix that people come from far and wide for. We blend our own now after buying it in for many years and people love it!

Features and Benefits:
  • Clean and great consistancy
  • Tidy up around your house
  • Create new entertaing areas

We generally recommend a 5 to 1 ratio with cement to produce good strong concrete.

Cement is available by the 25kg or 40kg Bag. You need 6 x 40kg bags per cubic metre.

For more information, please click Here Regards,
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